Hello folks! The upcoming meeting is Monday, November 22, 2021, at St Michael’s Church, 1400 S University Blvd at 7:00 PM. Online participants are invited to log into the Zoom portal at 6:45 PM. See link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Steve Forgy will be the featured program presentation. The working title is “The Styro Building Tower Clock Repair”. Thank you, Steve.
Please feel free to bring some items for Show and Tell.
Another email will be sent on the day of the meeting confirming the in-person meeting. and Zoom link. Also, if you attend in person, please be prepared to follow appropriate social distancing, masking, etc.
Here are the minutes from last month’s in-person, first simulcast Zoom meeting:
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by President Ken Reindel with fanfare recognizing this as the first face-to-face meeting in 17 months due to the pandemic shutdown. The meeting was broadcast on Zoom, a first for Chapter 21, and the intent is to continue going forward.
Ken reviewed current COVID-19 rates in Colorado. Unfortunately, the trend is not good. Colorado is experiencing some of the highest Delta variant infections in the country. This being our first meeting in over a year, precautions including social distancing and mask-wearing were observed.
Pumpkin Days was successful. You will recall this is the fall antique fair at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. Strawberry Days is the spring event, and both these occasions provide members opportunity to purchase tables promoting clock sales and repair as well as handing out literature about Chapter 21 and the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. Dave Fornof provides a slideshow link of photos from the Pumpkin Pie Days: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4X1P7UmVqqVgrZ3QA .
This year, as in the past, people stopped to chat about a favorite clock handed down in the family and the need for repair or restoration. Volunteers staffing the table were Dave Fornof, Tim Orr, and Terry Jones. The event was jampacked with visitors. Many people were asking where they might contact an individual to repair their clock, more perhaps than usual and it brought into focus Chapter 21’s policy for referring customers to individual members for repair service.
Currently, our website publishes images of business cards for the public to call for repair. Please note that the Chapter does NOT endorse any repair services listed; it would be almost impossible for the Chapter to vet the skill or quality of the person doing the repair. After lengthy discussion, the following was agreed upon. Chapter 21 will offer as a service the publication of business cards on its web page subject to the following:
- The member’s dues are paid and current at the National and Chapter. This is to be verified by the member and Treasurer of the Chapter.
- The Chapter will use a disclaimer similar to the following:
- Disclaimer: The NAWCC Chapter 21 has no commercial affiliation with any of these parts sources or service individuals, and the listings herein do not represent any recommendation or warranty. This list is made available as a public service to assist clock owners in obtaining highly specialized horological services. All transactions must be conducted privately and are at your own risk. Should any problems be encountered please report this to the Chapter.
A motion by Paul Wegener was made to implement this disclaimer, seconded, and passed by unanimously. Exact terminology will be worked out off line.
Dave Fornof announced a date for the 2022 Regional has been confirmed at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. The confirmed dates are Friday, July 29, 2022, for an 8:00 A.M. set-up. The show will open on July 30 and 31, Saturday and Sunday. Discussion: Following comments from several people in the room, the show will be for members only during the first hour before it is opened to the public. Monitoring tables will be tighter than last year to avoid non-member poaching.
Finally, wrapping up the Regional discussion, Dave and Nanette Fornof were recognized. A motion was made to reimburse Dave Fornof and the Saturday crew. The motion was seconded and passed without dissent.
Dick Shelton reported on potential workshops and an eagerness to return to a post-Covid schedule. A date is not definite. Location is still being researched. St Michael’s is a possibility. “Bring a Clock to Diagnose” is slated to inaugurate the new workshop calendar when it is finalized.
Librarian Paul Wegener presented the book, Horolovar’s “400 Day Clock Repair Guide”, considered the go-to resource for anniversary clock repair. The book is available in the library. Paul announced his usual reminder to return any check-out items promptly.
Show & Tell offerings were presented by Jack Wood, Tim Orr, and Terry Jones. Applause followed and presentations are always appreciated. Members are encouraged to bring something to the next meeting.
Ken Reindel’s presentation on “Clock Case Restoration” followed a short break. Ken does the heavy lifting when it comes to Chapter programming. We recognized the time and effort of creating program content, archived for reference on the Chapter’s YouTube channel. The library of past presentations is impressive. Thank you, Ken.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKIQ-FGQMlY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKIQ-FGQMlY
The next meeting is scheduled for November 22, 7:00 P.M. at St Michael’s Church, 1400 S. University Blvd. Denver, CO.