Meeting Minutes from November 30, 2020 Meeting (via Zoom)

Hello everyone! Following are the minutes from our November 30, 2020 Zoom meeting.

President Ken Reindel opened the meeting at 7:05 via Zoom. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.

Ken spoke briefly about the pandemic and increased cases in Colorado. The Colorado percent positive rate continues to increase. The outlook for this winter continues as predicted, suggesting we might be meeting on Zoom for the next three to six months. We have discovered that meeting virtually is quite productive and successful. More about virtual meetings around the country (and sharing with other Chapters) is discussed further in these minutes.

Minutes Approved: The minutes of October 26, 2020, were approved as posted.

The January 4, 2021 program will be “American Clocks: Restoration Nightmares,” presented by Ken Reindel. The schedule for the 2021 programs is underway. If you have an interest or idea for a program or any other suggestions, please forward them to Ken at [email protected].

Likewise, Dick Shelton, [email protected], is again taking the lead in scheduling workshop events. The pandemic and availability for meeting at Emily Griffith are uncertain; however, in May 2020, a workshop is tentatively scheduled, and the topic will be “Bring a Clock to Diagnose.” This particular workshop is a repeat of one of our most popular, informative, and exciting workshops (originally held several years ago). Watch for further developments as we learn more about where we are likely to be with respect to the pandemic in the May timeframe.

Today is our Annual Meeting. Ken presented the 2021 slate of officers for election and opened nominations for officers to the general membership. The motion was made and seconded by Paul Wegner to the following:

President: Ken Reindel
First Vice President: Dick Shelton (Workshops and Scholarships)
Second Vice President: Dave Fornof (Regionals and Programs)
Secretary: David Gies
Treasurer: David Longenecker
Directors: Terry Jones (at large); and Randy Schneider (Webmaster)

Motion in support of the above slate of officers passed unanimously.

President Ken Reindel recognized Paul Wegner as our Librarian, thanking him for his continued service.

National Update: Tim Orr reporting

• It rained last month, testing the quality of the roof installation at the national office and museum. The roof showed no indication of any leaks.

• The National office and museum re-opened as of November 3, with comprehensive COVID-19 precautions implemented.
• Annual appeal letters from the National office requesting support for the museum will be sent soon. The pandemic has made operations and income particularly difficult this year. Check your inbox and consider including NAWCC in personal year-end giving.

• The Pacific Northwest is similarly meeting by Zoom (just as we are here), expanding its program offerings and inviting national speakers to their meetings. The idea for a virtual speakers’ bureau is emerging. Chapter 16 and 35 are also engaged in this. Seattle is meeting every other week. New England Chapters are considering potential remote broadcast of international gatherings.

• Tim reviewed his work on the NAWCC message board, preparing the Speakers’ Bureau and calendars there. This information can be found at:

Chapter Library: Paul Wegener critiqued The Antique Collector’s Guides, “Clocks and Watches,” by Alan Smith, 1975. Paul will arrange for book loan delivery and return. Contact Paul at [email protected] if interested.

Show & Tell: Tim Orr shared an Eaton Watch from the 1960s. It was a give-a-way premium used by First Federal Savings of Chicago.

Ken Reindel shared an example Copal flip clock, the topic of this month’s presentation.

Regional Update: David Fornof reported that discussion is ongoing regarding holding our annual Regional during the Strawberry Days event at the Boulder County Fair Grounds. The tentative dates are May 15-16, 2021. Our event would be in a separate building not far from the 3000 plus participants attending Strawberry Days. The managers of the fairgrounds are reviewing logistics and potential conflicts. They will get back to us as we consider the idea. Space rental is lower cost than what we experienced at Jefferson County. The Colorado Department of Health predicts COVID-19 vaccinations will be concluded by June. Terry Jones mentioned a report he recently read suggesting vaccinations will be completed by the end of May. We all look forward to learning more about getting life back to normal in the coming months.

Monthly Presentation: Ken Reindel’s presentation was “Restoration of the Copal Flip Clock Motor.” The full program is available at our YouTube channel found here:

Restoration of Copal Flip Clock Motors

Chapter 21’s next proposed meeting date is Monday January 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM, held using Zoom meeting. More details to be announced.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

David Gies, Secretary

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