Minutes of April 26, 2021

The meeting was called to order by Ken Reindel at approximately 7:07 P.M., with a status update on the pandemic. The bad news is the surge of the disease in India and the unfortunate broad proportion of anti-vaccine sentiment in this country impeding herd immunity. It is a very sneaky and evil virus. The good news is vaccinations have exceeded 100 million in us, with some days reaching more than 300,000 shots in arms. We are getting better, but we are not out of the woods yet.

The Regional meeting is now scheduled for July 31 to August 1 at the Boulder County Fair Grounds. Dave Fornof is negotiating with hotel properties in the vicinity of the fairgrounds. Stay tuned on the website for an update, as well as watch Chapter 21 email announcements.

Terry Jones made a call on the contact person at St Michael’s Episcopal Church, thanking them and confirming the continuation of our meetings on the fourth Monday. Additionally, Chapter 21 made a $200 contribution to recognize the COVID disruption and promote general goodwill. Terry also reported that while we are thinking of reopening face-to-face meetings, we might consider the criteria used by the Denver Coin Club. That group has established opening arrangements in person with rules for all members to wear face masks plus the expectation that everyone attending be vaccinated. It might be a model we can follow.

The next item was the suggestion to create an online store for selling clocks, tools, and clock items. Mike Korn’s idea is to establish a virtual store facilitating large items often too big and cumbersome to transport to Regional meetings. Mike demonstrated a beta version of the store, describing how it would work. Member’ reactions were positive. If you wish to participate, send pictures and a brief write-up of items for sale to Mike at [email protected] . The Chapter is accepting ads now until June 20. The cost for posting an advertisement is $15.00 for five items. All proceeds will go to the Margene Oswald Scholarship Fund.

Chapter 21 Workshop Series; the next workshop, “Bring a Clock for Diagnosis,” is likely to be in June if COVID restrictions allow it, and a room at Emily Griffth College is available. If Emily Griffth is not available, an alternative site might be St Michael’s Church.

News from the National office; Four directors elected to the board and two appointments. A new Chapter, “Friends of the Library and Research Center,” was established. The National

Convention website is open, with discounted pre-registration available until June 16. Refunds will be made if cancelation due to COVID occurs.

Librarian Paul Wegener presented his review of a short DVD film available in the library titled “R.G.M.: Short Film; Made in America. (Cal. 801)”, by Roland G. Murphy, about the company, R.Murphy established in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Paul recommends the video.

Kit Loring, Tim Schultz, and Terry Jones contributed to the Show and Tell session.

Ken Reindel’s presentation “Radium, Girls, and Dials” is available on the Chapter’s YouTube https://youtu.be/B8Zg5F3QH5g. Hearing about the adverse effects of radiation on early workers was enlightening and disturbing. Ken’s provocative account of the 1920s-1940s production of radium dials is a fascinating historical review. One website reference of note is https://www.epa.gov/radiation/calculate-your-radiation-dose.

A reminder, dues are due, send your $10 and any additional amount you wish to the Margene Oswald Scholarship Fund to David Longenecker, Treasurer, NAWCC, Chapter 21, P.O. Box 9512, Denver, CO 80209.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

And by the way:  Now is the time to make hotel reservations for America’s Biggest Watch and Clock Show. NAWCC’s annual meeting is back and will be held July 15-18 in Hampton, Virginia. The convention hotel is the Embassy Suites by Hilton 800-362-2779 booking code “WAC” for the best rate. https://natcon.nawcc.org/2021/

Cheers and Best Wishes, David Gies, Secretary